Sunday, August 19, 2012

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Not been idle! I nodded my head, this situation is not unexpected. years ago, this front is not too long, also in about 60 feet, 500 rifles light enough should be enough to say there are 500 Philip Lilium team there, too many people. The exhibition does not open between the first fence and the second trenches.
This?! His Highness ... Tian Qing times, can the children here, the general location outside Tibet and Nagano Yesheng a few people. ! Your main task is not wiped out the number of enemies, but to ensure the of Lilium team and the array safety. Once the first fence was breached, you want at a price to cover the safe retreat of Lilium team. In order to strengthen that may occur close melee, my life Sakurai Sakichi, shihe Zhen Friends of Iraq wooden half seven with 200 longer than the blade of the flag this is yours to command! Lilium team! In this case, I think even more sober-minded important in Takeo. I prepare a separate industry Sheng rate to 1000 people in the second-tier collusion, only possession and wins fierce responsible for the protection of the rear guard! Nfl by taking into account even really had to prevent! turn into unwittingly, but a critical moment in the war was going on hundreds or even thousands of attack is not impossible! in! A state of the art of war to strange Wonderful said, is completely different and our habits of tens of thousands of army confront positive in a sense, this strategic battle in the far river is very wise, if Wu Tianjun set the expense of return A letter mountains in trouble,cheap oakley sunglasses! into the wrong direction; soldiers retreat A state complex to do more annually to toss us a stand in case of Wu Tianjun abandon a Warrior and scattered onslaught, our rear guard ... The ...

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