Saturday, July 7, 2012

all pro football teams he excited

DIP down! Zheng Jinwen on the messenger just issued the END command, Liu Tseng-new and adds:
Zheng, head, can not be so hasty, send a connected first quietly sealed Mizoguchi, do not disturb the enemy notice of each battalion, rushed to the regiment. Whole regiment soldiers immediately an emergency stand-by! Zheng Jinwen nodded his head, two messenger separately ran to several battalions. Li Ling Gu discovered the relics smuggling team,all pro football teams, the atmosphere up and down the whole regiment suddenly nervous.
Several breathless battalion commander went to the regiment, Zheng Jinwen will be increased in accordance with Liu will make arrangements.
Zheng Jinwen issued finished combat order, Liu added by the new, a few words:
Several battalion commander to accept the command, and immediately ran back to their camp.
Ten minutes later, the Kuomintang 3rd Division stationed in the Pamir l group more than a thousand soldiers running to only 10 li from the regiment, Li Ling Gu outflank the past.
4 pm, more than a thousand Kuomintang soldiers surrounded by Li Ling Gu.
Liu Tseng-standing Li Ling valley of the mountains around him set up with two mortars, a heavy machine gun, he raised his binoculars and looked toward the ditch, and sure enough to see the branches of the ditch the middle of the cracks hidden bare piece of blue and black, but will also get a glimpse of some people's hands and feet, he excited, the troops have been surrounded here, bunch of secret armed did not notice it, is really a golden opportunity to jump his heart beating, thumping up.
So a bite,mitchell ness jerseys, waved his hand: In an instant his side's two mortar rang.
Then, six or seven machine guns, The jungle seems blown bloom, a corpse blown up.
Half an hour in the past, Liu Tseng see the jungle was razed to the ground, everywhere filled with the corpses, then the command to stop firing.
The gunfire stopped, jungle silence of death ...
Stationed in Ili River, the KMT Division 4 group zone over the two aircraft flying in from Inner Mongolia, the sentry in the watch tower on the alarm about ...
Sheng received the report of the first division of the Army immediately organized high-level military meetings and reported to the Chongqing Department of Defense ordered the Army's First Division perform a pole in combat readiness.
Chiang Kai-shek dressed in purple mandarin jacket sitting on the desk, flipping through the files of the Department of Defense sent the Japanese occupation of Wuhan. His brow furrowed, frowning. He looked at the pile of files marked with a triangle symbol anxious pieces, angrily. a push to the case head, and stood up, hands behind Mamalielie said to himself:
Some of his breathing rapidly, and turn on the red carpet. Suddenly, he grabbed the desk file, hold in your hand, angrily ripped to shreds.
Sputtered Chiang Kai-shek with a handkerchief kept wiping the sweat on the forehead, in the hall walked back and forth.

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